Thursday 5 May 2016

Number of Engineers Working In Singapore, An Interview by Parliamentary to Mr Teo Ser Luck

Oral Answer by Mr Teo Ser Luck, Minister of State for Manpower, to Parliamentary Question on Number of Engineers Working In Singapore
5 April 2016 Skills, training and development Statistics and publications
Notice Paper No. 104 Of 2016 For The Sitting On 4 April 2016
Question No. 207 For Oral Answer

MP: Er Dr Lee Bee Wah

To ask the Minister for Manpower (a) how many engineers are there currently working in Singapore; and (b) how many of these are Singaporeans and Permanent Residents, and Foreigners respectively.


As of June 2015, a total of 122,500 professionals were employed as engineers, of which 6 in 10 were locals. 
Engineers play a crucial role in Singapore, and are needed to improve our infrastructure, grow key sectors such as Manufacturing and Telecommunications, and drive the Smart Nation initiative. Sectoral Tripartite Committees (STCs) for sectors such as Construction, Manufacturing, Transport and Infocomm Technology (ICT) are formulating their respective Sectoral Manpower Plans to enhance sectoral competitiveness and strengthen Singaporean Core. By developing more attractive career pathways and strengthening the professional recognition and accreditation of engineering skills and expertise, we aim to attract more locals to join the engineering profession. 
Engineering will remain a meaningful and respectable profession as we strive for economic and social progress in our next phase of development. The tripartite partners will reach out to more Singaporeans to take up engineering as their career of choice. 

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