Wednesday 18 May 2016

How many HDB flats in Singapore?

The Housing and Development Board (HDB) has built since 1960 more than a million flats, of which nearly 50,000 are owned by Singapore permanent residents.
Reporting stricter rules for PRs who sublet their flats, Channel News mentioned:
HDB said that as of April this year, 49,190 flats are owned by Singapore PRs. Of this number, 2,142 owners currently sublet their flats, making up just five per cent of the total approved sublet cases.
That made me wonder how many HDB flats are there in Singapore. I looked up the HDB annual report for 2010-11.
It contains a section called Key Statistics, which says 1,011,027 dwelling units have been built since 1960.
Not all the units built remain under HDB management, though. The Key Statistics shows that, as of March 2011, 901,971 residential units in the HDB towns were under HDB management and, with new apartments being built, the number is projected to rise to 1,418,000.
The HDB says it is committed to offering 25,000 build-to-order (BTO) flats this year.
Eighty-two per cent of Singapore’s population lives in HDB flats, but clearly there is demand for more.
AsiaOne reported:
With immediate effect, Singapore permanent residents who own flats will only be allowed to sublet their HDB flats for one year, down from the current three years.
In a statement, the Housing Board says that subletting rules for PRs have been revised to deter flat owners from buying flats for rent or investment.
The PRs should sell the flats if they no longer need them for their own occupation, the Housing Board adds.
The 2010-11 HDB annual report’s Key Statistics section shows the number of dwelling units built since 1960:
53,777 in 1960-65, 63,448 in 1966-70, 110,362 in 1971-75, 130,981 in 1976-80, 189,299 in 1981-85, 119,708 in 1986-90, 98,994 in 1991-95, 157,919 in 1996-2000, 55,135 in 2001-5, and 26,319 in 2006-10.
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