Saturday 21 May 2016

Annual Leave Entitlement in Singapore

Did you know about your leave entitlement ? When were you entitle to have leave ? Find out more about your annual leave eligibility, entitlements and other leave variations here...

Annual leave

You are entitled to paid annual leave if you meet the following conditions:

  • You are covered under Part IV of the Employment Act.
  • You have worked for your employer for at least 3 months.

Your annual leave entitlement depends on how many years of service you have with your employer. Your year of service begins from the day you start work with your employer.

Year of serviceDays of leave
8th and thereafter14

If an employee begins work on 14 Mar 2013, the annual leave entitlementwill be calculated as follows:

Period of employmentCompleted months of serviceAnnual leave entitlement
14 Mar 2013 to
13 Mar 2014
127 days (1st year)
14 Mar 2014 to
13 Mar 2015
128 days (2nd year)
14 Mar 2015 to
13 Mar 2016
129 days (3rd year)

If you have worked less than a year (pro-rated leave)

If you have worked for your employer for at least 3 months, your annual leave entitlement is pro-rated based on the number of full months you have worked.
This entitlement applies even if you are still on probation.

How pro-rated annual leave is calculated ?
Annual leave is pro-rated using this formula:

  • (No. of completed months of service / 12 months) x No. of days of annual leave entitlement
  • You should not include periods of approved no-pay leave when calculating annual leave entitlement.
  • If the fraction of a day is less than one-half, round it down; if it is half or more, round it up to one day.
1. If an employee started work on 14 Mar 2014 and left service on 31 Jul 2014, the number of completed months of service is:
14 Mar 2014 to 13 Jul 2014 = 4 completed months
The period from 14 to 31 Jul 2014 is disregarded as it is not a completed month.

2. If an employee has completed 4 months of service and is entitled to 10 days of leave a year, the pro-rated annual

(4 completed months / 12 months) x 10 days of leave = 3.33 days
Rounded down to 3 days as the fraction is less than 0.5.

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