Wednesday 29 June 2016

新加坡前景暗淡 ?

根据新加坡人力部发布的今年2016第一季劳动市场报告, 今年的前3个月有近5千人被裁员,

以下, 来分析下2016第一季劳动市场包括的几个重点吧
失业率 1.90%

新增就业人数 13千人

重新就业人数 45.60%
        (这也是20096月以来, 整体重新就职比率最低的一次)


被裁退人数 4710
 (比去年同时段, 多出了1210人, 2009年金融风暴危机后,裁员人数人数最高的第一季)

更多详细资料, 可以游览新加坡劳工部的官方网站
Source: Labour Market Survey, Manpower Research & Statistics Department, MOM  
Latest figures published in: Labour Market Report


在大部分的雇主的访谈中, 也发现大部分雇主在第三季也预期将不增加雇员人数,有者甚至表示会缩减雇员,只有一成雇主考虑增加雇员。 显示雇主对也对前景相当悲观。根据目前的劳动市场报告, 经济师也认为, 目前还没真正反映出疲弱现象, 接下来的几个季度, 失业率还会上升!!

为了解决就业形势悲观的问题, 新加坡劳工部宣布:再投入2800万来扩展专业人士转业计划政府将率先在零售、餐饮服务、活动策划,筹划展览及会议的领域,推出四个新的专业人士转业计划。在不久将来,物流业,国际批发贸易。公共交通,等领域也将推出更多转业计划来帮助更多申请者。新加坡劳力发展局也会进一步加强聘雇方面的协调,协助更多失业者找到工作。


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Tuesday 28 June 2016

新加坡工作者需知 外劳的福利和权益

在你在/来新加坡工作前, 必须小心注意。许多新闻报道说, 常有外国劳工被欺骗如:6个月没被付工资,被中介代理骗了代理费,付了很多冤枉钱。。。


计划到新加坡工作前, 记得:-
1.     付款给祖国的工作中介代理费:
。确认中介费用, 不多付任何额外费用
。在出国前, 付清所有的中介费用
2.     你的工作证正式批准证书-In-Principal Approval Letter (IPA)
。必须阅读和清楚工作证批准的合法证书的内容, 包括的薪金方面的条约:-
a)     底薪
b)    津贴
c)     任何薪金扣除

开始新加坡的工作前, 你必须清楚了解你的工作内容, 如工作时间, 加班时间。






在雇用期满3个月后, 你将享用病假和年假的福利。

1.  不要乱丢垃圾
2.  在某些公共场所不吸烟, 如巴士站和地铁站
3.  不能闹事和大架
4.  和睦相处

在新加坡如果你犯法, 你的工作将会被终止。






趨勢就像一匹馬, 如果在馬後面追, 你永遠都追不上」
才能和馬一樣的快, 這就叫馬上成功!


晚上帶著家人去吃飯, 拿出手機點擊附件餐廳,
看完餐廳介紹, 對比之後, 挑一家評價好的、好吃又實惠的餐廳,
在手機上領取一張會員卡, 定好座位, 等時間到了, 點擊導航, 直接去吃飯, 不用排隊。
吃飯的時候, 哪個好吃的就拍個照, 放到微博或朋友圈, 曬一曬,
與朋友共享, 因為以後朋友來這裡吃飯的時候, 憑著你的分享,
朋友可以優惠, 商家還要給你返利, 既能吃到好東西,
分享又能賺錢, 真的很愜意。
吃完飯, 去商場購物, 看到哪個產品喜歡的, 拿起來掃一下二維碼,
用手機比比價, 放入網絡購物車, 逛完商場,
在手機上點擊送貨時間和送貨地址, 直接付款,
不用拎東西, 也不用排隊, 然後去看電影,
這就是我們未來的生活, 你覺得能實現嗎?我想很快!


世界上曾經有一家世界500強的企業, 名叫“柯達”,
1991年的時候, 他的技術領先世界同行10年,
但是2012年1月破產了, 被做數碼的幹掉了。
 SonyEricsson (“索尼愛利森”)還沉浸在數碼領先的喜悅中時,
突然發現, 原來全世界賣照相機賣的最好的不是他,
而是做手機的“諾基亞”, 因為每部手機都是一部照相機,
SonyEricsson 業績大幅虧損, 於今年倒閉。


2013年9月, “諾基亞”被微軟收購了。
發展倒逼轉型升級, 整合、創新引領時代發展
360的出臺, 直接把殺毒變成免費的, 淘汰了金山毒霸;
淘寶電子商務2012年一萬億的銷量, 逼得“蘇寧、國美”
這些傳統零售巨頭不得不轉型, 逼得“李寧服裝”關掉了全國1800多家專賣店,
如果馬雲“菜鳥”行動成功話, 24小時內全國到貨的夢想實現,
竟然 連銀行的鐵飯碗都搶了。

那穩如泰山的保險業者 又如何呢?
預計未來五年將會有200萬保險人員失業, 其他保險公司將何去何從?
騰訊微信的出臺, 6個億的用戶還在增加,
所以, 如果有一天你隔壁開火鍋店的張三,
賣手機賣得比你好的時候, 你不用覺得驚訝,
因為, 這是一個跨界的時代,
每一個行業都在整合, 都在交叉, 都在相互滲透,
突然變成一種免費的增值服務, 你又如何競爭?如何生存?


未來的競爭, 不再是產品的競爭、不再是渠道的競爭,

而是資源整合的競爭, 是終端消費者的競爭, 誰能夠持有資源, 持有消費者用戶,
你才能夠保證你的利益, 才能立於不敗之地。


30年前說下海能賺錢的人, 被認為是騙子。
20年前說炒股能賺錢的人, 被認為是騙子。
15年前說保險能幫到大家的, 被認為是騙子。
10年前馬雲說互聯網能改變人們的生活, 也被認為是騙子。

那些說別人是騙子的人, 生活一成不変, 生活質量一天比一天差!

“每一次新的機遇的到來, 都會造就一批富翁!”
當別人不明白的時候, 他明白他在做什麼;


“先知先覺經營者;後知後覺跟隨者;不知不覺消費者! ”


第一、當摩托羅拉還沉醉在V8088的時候, 不知道諾基亞已迎頭趕上。


答案是: 整~借~學~變



三:學;今天的企業家,贏在學習, 勝在改變!

面對變局,你該怎麼辦?(你想當左邊 還是右邊這位?)


做好上面的準備,你才是那個 笑到明天的人!

Monday 27 June 2016

Must Watch ! 13 Ways To Get Increment In Your Salary !

Who does not want a good salary increment? I wish there was a secret formula to get what you desired. But unfortunately there is none. Mostly managers know when it’s the right time to increase for a job well done. What if your salary hasn’t gone up in a while ? in this situation how will you ask for raising up your salary ? It’s always a tough conversation, and how do you prepare for it to make your manager say “Yes” easily ?

Here are few proven ways to get a good salary increment

1)      Do your job well & go beyond the call of duty

Focus on doing your job well… really well. Have a clear understanding of the success measure and continuously work towards it. If you think, you need training or mentoring to be a better performer, ask your manager. There are occasions when the manager expects you to do more because it is the need of the hour. Do not shirk away from the responsibility. Actively take up tasks which are beyond what you have been allotted. At the end, the manager will not just look at your performance but also your hunger.

2) Be a Smart Worker

Be innovative at what you do. Hard work is important but smart work is better. Try to find out ways and means by which you can achieve the objective with much less effort. Share your ideas with the team to make the team better.
3) Keep learning

Technology is causing significant changes in the way we work. It is important to be up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques. Use after hours / weekends to do reading, learning and practicing the skill. If required, attend a course that will equip you for the next role.

4) Note down your success stories

It is always a good idea to keep notes of what you did well and what you could have done better through the year. You can use this in your annual progress review to have a fact based discussion about your performance.
5) Know the job market

Have a good understanding of what your true worth is. Understand what other companies are paying for a role similar to yours. This information will be useful when you discuss your increment with your manager. It also ensures that you are not being un-reasonable with your expectations

6) How to Ask For a Raise ?
Experts said that, It can be difficult to approach your manager for a raise. “But there’s an art to the ask,” says Diana Faison, a partner with leadership development firm Flynn Heath Holt Leadership. “You want to be able to demonstrate how you add value and how you’ve made a difference to the company.” And as in any type of negotiations, you should try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, and design your approach accordingly. “You have to think about why your boss should even consider granting your request,” says Kathleen McGinn, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. By understanding your boss’s interests and goals, and aligning those with your own case, you are more likely to get what you want. Here’s how to craft your request.

7) Gather evidence

Preparation is critical. “If you don’t prepare, you don’t know what you’re really asking for,” says Faison. Collect two types of evidence before making your request. First, and most important, are facts about your own unique contributions that bolster your case: money-saving efficiencies you implemented, results from a project you’ve just overseen, positive customer testimonials, or praise from higher ups. Your boss may not be aware of all you’ve accomplished over the past year. You should also gather information about company- and industry-wide salaries so you can go in with a reasonable target figure in mind. Your professional network, HR department, and sites like PayScale and GlassDoor are all helpful resources for determining your worth in the marketplace.

8) Choose the right moment

Most people make their pitch at review time. But if your boss is overwhelmed by the pressure of completing everyone’s evaluations, he may be less inclined to grant your request. He may also already be constrained by a set budget. Instead, time your request to coincide with changes in your own tasks. McGinn advises asking for a raise just before you take on new responsibilities or right after you successfully complete a project. “If you’ve just created a whole bunch of value for your company, it’s a great time to say, ‘Can we share that value?’,” she explains. If your boss still doesn’t seem receptive, suggest revisiting the issue in a few months and then get on his calendar.

9) Practice ahead of time

It’s important to rehearse what you will say, and not just in your head, adds Faison. “Do it out loud, practice it with someone else, record yourself, and play it back.” Listen for weaknesses in your argument or signs that you aren’t getting to the point quickly enough. Make sure to consider the conversation from your boss’s point of view, imagine the varied reactions she might have, and plan your responses. “Really think about her interests and why she would even be interested in engaging,” advises McGinn.

10) Be confident

As you make your case, always strive for a tone of mutual respect. “I call it the Three C’s,” says Faison. “You’ve got to be calm, and conversational, and to establish an air of collaboration.” Try to avoid patterns of speech that Faison refers to as  “power robbers.”Don’t make statements in the form of questions (“Would you agree I’m due for a raise?”) or qualify them (“I believe that my work has been very good…”). Instead, be direct and confident. Positive body language will also impart an air of confidence.

11) Avoid complaints and ultimatums

Never start the conversation with a grievance or threat. “You’ll just put your boss on the defensive, which is not a good stance to take,” says McGinn. Avoid comparing yourself to colleagues or complaining that you make less; stay positive and focus instead on how much you contribute. You should also avoid “implicitly or explicitly threatening to leave” as a negotiating tactic, says McGinn. At best, you’ll turn the conversation adversarial; at worse, you’ll paint yourself into a corner if you don’t get the raise.

12) Look forward, not backward

Pitch your raise as not only recognition for past achievements, but also tacit acknowledgment that you are a dedicated team player committed to growing with the company. Lay out your contributions, then quickly pivot to what you hope to tackle next. Assure your boss that you understand his pressures and goals, and pitch your raise as a way to help him. “You’ve got to understand what is it they value, what it is it that’s important to them, how are you making their lives better as well as the company’s,” says Faison.

13) If the answer is no

If your request is declined, have a Plan B at the ready: Are there benefits you might accept in lieu of an increase in salary, such as a bonus, stock options, or more flexible work hours? And if your boss’s answer is still no, ask what it will take to shift the answer into a yes. “Ask what tasks you can take on, what changes you can make in your job that would lead to that raise,” says McGinn. You’ll show your boss that you are committed to growing within the company

Principles to Remember:
  • Prepare your case by gathering data on your unique contribution to the business.
  • Consider your boss’s priorities and explain how you’ll help.
  • Practice the conversation ahead of time.
  • Wait until review time. If you’ve taken on a new role or just notched a success, approach your boss to test the waters.
  • Compare yourself to a colleague. The request is about your work and your value to the company.
  • Threaten to go somewhere else.

How Will Brexit Affect You and Me ?

June 24, 2016 – Economy, Investment, News Updates.

In a historic referendum, UK has voted to leave the European Union (EU) with 52% of the votes, after being in the EU for 43 years.
Though most of the regions voted on leaving the EU, London and Scotland voted strongly on remaining.

As the market reacted to the result from the referendum, the pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985. The fall in sterling marks the biggest one-day fall ever seen and at one point, we witnessed a drop of more than 10%.

1) Tertiary education

The UK remains one of the top education destinations for Malaysians, and the world in general. According to UNESCO statistics, the UK is ranked #2 in the top 20 countries for international students, with a total of 427,686 international students.

Malaysians are attracted to tertiary education in the UK, which contributes to the rise in property investment in the country.

Though Brexit will unlikely affect the quality of the education offered to students, the sliding sterling can be beneficial to many parents who are paying for tuition fees in Sterling — that was about 6x to the Malaysian ringgit last month.

At the time of writing, the ringgit was at 5.5586 to the pound. If the currency continues to slide, Malaysian parents may be able to gain a respite from the sliding ringgit.

2. Outward investment to the UK

Due to the UK’s popularity with international students, many Malaysian property investors are looking to invest in student accommodation in the UK.

In fact, Malaysians make up one of the biggest investors in the property market in the UK, especially institutional investors such as the

Employees Provident Fund, Retirement Fund Inc. (KWAP) and Armed Forces Fund Board (LTAT).

According to Virata Thaivasigamony, director of Cornerstone, a property real estate investment firm, 73% of overseas Malaysian property investors in 2015 have gone into purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) due to its 8% yields.

However, with the risk of recession post-Brexit as predicted by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), experts are worried that the faltering economy would badly affect property prices, thereby hindering the ability to construct more homes, and also allowing overseas investors to buy property at a lower value.

This could be good news for new Malaysian property investors with holding power, who are looking to break into the UK property market. With the lower currency exchange rate and also lower housing prices, it could be time for these investors to start shopping for a good buy.

However, if this does happen, it will not be favourable to existing property owners. In light of the possible recession, property investment can be difficult, either in rental or in sale.

3. Inward investment from the UK

In quarter one of this year, the UK contributed RM1.9 billion of foreign direct investments (FDI) or 9.3% of the total FDI stock. We saw an increase of 54.1% compared with the same period last year.

In the same quarter, the EU was the largest contributor to Malaysia at RM30.3 billion (39.0% of total FDI stock), a rise of 21.8% from last year’s figure.

Experts do not expect Brexit to affect the FDI in Malaysia, as it involves medium- to long-term factors. However, MIDF Research predicts that it will significantly impact portfolio investments like stocks, bonds, treasuries in the short term.”

“We opine that Brexit has marginal impact on the economic fundamentals of Malaysia but more on financial markets due to negative sentiment. In the wake of Brexit, investors have fled to safety, which means the dollar, yen and bunds (German bonds), causing yield to plummet,” MIDF told The Sun Daily.

This can already be seen with the performance of the stock market, where we saw a large net outflow of portfolio capital for the past eight weeks, averaging above RM1.0 billion.

4. Trade

Today, when the result was announced, other than the plunging currency, world oil prices also tumbled by more than 6%. Experts opine that the reason why the world oil prices took a tumble could be due to risk aversion more than fundamentals.

In Asia, Tokyo stocks slid by more than 8% and Japan’s Finance Minister Taro Aso called an emergency news briefing.

However, according to Credit Suisse in a report in the New Straits Time prior to the announcement of the referendum result, Asian exports do not rely heavily on UK’s demand. Therefore, any direct impact on the regional economies ex-Japan would likely be small with the exit from the EU.

This is because, the bilateral trade significance between UK and Malaysia has declined since the 1990s. Year-to-date, the UK has only contributed 1.1% to Malaysia’s total trade and ranked 17th out of 240 trading partners.

Businesses that may be vulnerable to Brexit are commodity and business processing exports, said economists Dr Santitarn Sathirathai and Michael Wan. Malaysia, along with Thailand and Vietnam, are agricultural and processed food exporters to the UK, while Malaysia and Vietnam also export mining products.

The exit could result in Britain being a less attractive export destinations in the eyes of Malaysian businesses, due to the possible weaker economy. This remains to be seen.

However, the sliding currency could mean cheaper British products for Malaysians.

5. British pensioners in Malaysia

Ranked as one of the top 7 best places to retire by the, Malaysia is one of the most popular destinations in Asia for expats and retirees from the UK.

The Malaysian government has been welcoming expats for long-term stays in the country, with the My Second Home (MM2H) programme launched in 2002.

Since its launch, the programme has encouraged almost 20,000 expats to settle in the former British colony. The MM2H has no age restriction, which makes it a popular long-term visa for retirees.

The British state pension system allows pensioners to receive their pension abroad. Although the pension paid is not subject to income tax in Malaysia, it is still affected by the currency volatility.

With the possibly continuous downward slide of the sterling pound due to Brexit, British pensioners in Malaysia can expect a much smaller retirement income moving forward.

6. Tourism in Malaysia

In uncertain economic times, one of the luxuries that people let go of, is vacation. In 2015, we saw the arrival of 401,019 tourists from the UK, while in the first quarter of 2016, we saw a hike in that number by about 2.4% compared with the same period last year.

As the summer holiday in the UK approaches, will we be seeing an influx of British tourists to Malaysia?

This can be unlikely, as the British are assumed to be more careful with their finances, especially with falling currency, and hence foregoing long vacations.

We can expect a lower number of tourists from the UK in the coming months, but it probably will not affect tourism revenue in Malaysia significantly as the majority of the tourists coming to Malaysia are from the Southeast and Northeast Asia regions.

Brexit was hailed by Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), as the UK’s “independence day”. Though experts do not foresee drastic change for Malaysia, things are not expected to be rosy in the UK.

The IMF predicted the worst-case scenario could see the British economy sink into recession next year, and the overall economic output to slide 5.6% lower than the 2019 forecast, and unemployment to rise above 6%.

In this unprecedented moment, Britain will be the first country to exit the EU, since its formation. However, the referendum would not be an automatic exit for Britain as a member.

The exit process will probably take a minimum of two years, with Leave campaigners suggesting during the referendum campaign that it should not be completed until 2020 – when the next scheduled general election will be held.

Whether Britain will really benefit from its exit from EU will remain to be seen, but it is likely that any direct impact on Malaysia would be minimal.

Source :

Friday 24 June 2016

Must view!Interviewer like to ask this 10 question

Going for an interview session ?? Make sure you get well-prepared on what those interviewer will ask you... Click here to find out more info, more than 5,446,285 viewers here:

1. Tell me about yourself ?

What position would you like to work at our company ?

What are your strength ? / What skill do you have ?

4. What are your weakness ?

5. Why should I hire you ?

6. Tell me what you know about this company ?

Why are you looking for a job change ?

What are your salary requirements ?

What are your career goals ?

So, do you have any question to ask me ?

Thursday 23 June 2016

SOSCO是马劳永远的痛 !

每天有几十万大马劳工到新加坡打工讨生活。这些劳工都被星币3.0的高汇率吸引但切忘了万一失去工作能力的风险。在大马如果你不辛失去工作能力有SOCSO 会帮你付薪水给你的家人但马劳就没有这些福利了。

随着2015年雇员社会保险法令修正案正式于本月落实,所有雇员都须缴纳社会保险,预料社险的总受保人数,将增加50万人. 过去只有月入3000令吉以下雇员须缴纳社险保费,但本月起,不管月薪多少, 所有雇员都须缴纳社险保费.从这个月开始, 修正案下,每月薪金介于3000至4000令吉的雇员,每个月的社险缴纳额将全面调高。






其实,在马来西亚,Socso (社险)是打工一族很好的保险和福利。

但是,很少人会去关心,Socso (社险)到底给了我们什么保障。

会去claim Socso的,更是极少(尤其是华人)。



因此,在这里跟大家分享一下Socso (社险) 的保障与福利。








当一个人死亡和完全残废时(total disable),Socso 的赔偿法。




我觉得,这种形式的赔款,很多时候比起保险公司的那种“one lump sum”的方式更加好。尤其是对于一些不善于理财的人。

3。如果当事人死亡。则依赖当事人生存的家属(orang-orang tanggungan)每个月可领得赔偿金。所能分配到的比例如下:
    a. 配偶: 赔偿金的 3/5。 终其一生,直到死亡。
    b. 孩子: 赔偿金的 2/5。 直到二十一岁。

若没有配偶或孩子,则有资格领取赔偿金的 orang tanggungan 是:
    a. 父母:  4/10,终其一生。
    b. 祖父母:  4/10,终其一生。
    c. 兄弟姐妹:  3/10,直到二十一岁。


    a。 在最近的40个月内,至少有24个月有缴付Socso费用。
    b。 从当事人第一次参与Socso保险计划开始,至索偿日期为止的全部月份中,至少有 1/3 的月份是有缴付Socso费的。(月份数量也必须不少于24个月)。



4。如果是在55岁之前死亡(如果是已经在领取残障赔偿金的人,则不受年龄限制)。则orang-orang tanggungan每个月可领得赔偿金。所能分配到的比例与上述第一种情况(因工死亡)相似。



Wednesday 22 June 2016

Foreigner Must Read, Know Your Rights and Benefits !

Are you planning to work in Singapore or you’re working in Singapore at this moment ? It’s important to know this before you work in Singapore… Dream of working happily here ? But you should beware, sometime things will go wrong. There are some news that foreigner worker were get cheated, such as working for 6 months without salary, overpaying employment agency fees to their agent back home, and others.

Learn to Protect Yourself here !

Planning to work in Singapore, first thing to remember is:

1.    Payment of fees to your home country agent:
  • Not to overpay your home country agent.
  • Make sure you resolve any agency fee issues before you leave your country.
2.    Your In-Principal Approval Letter (IPA Letter)
  • You will receive a copy of IPA litter in your native language from Ministry Of Manpower (MOM).
  • Read and understand your IPA letter carefully, it contains:
          a. Your monthly salary
          b. Allowances
          c. Deductions for food and housing

To begin your employment in Singapore, you have the right to ask for additional details on your job, such as working hours, overtime and others, while you’re working in Singapore.

To start your employment in Singapore you must make sure that, your employment agency fees in Singapore are only 1 month’s salary for each year of work and the maximum of charges is up to 2 months only. You must get a receipt on any payment from your employment agent in Singapore.
Employer’s Responsibilities

While here is to make sure employer care for their employee too. Employer should ensure that their employee are living and working in a proper conditions.

Salary Payment

As usual, you MUST receive your salary once a month and should not be late than 7 days after the end of your salary period. Remember not to sign a blank salary vouchers or any other salary voucher unless you have received your salary. Your salary payment must include Overtime, Work on rest day and Public Holiday.

You’re entitle for sick leave and paid annual leave after you work for 3 months with your employer.

Work Injury Compensation & Medical Treatment

Employer have to pay your medical treatment and your salary, if you’re on medical leave. If you wish to be compensated for an injury at work you can report to the MOM and do not need a lawyer, is that easy !
Law Culture in Singapore

**Please do not take matters to your company, obey the law at all the times:

1.    Do not litter.
2.    Do not smoke in certain public areas, such as bus stops or MRT stations.
3.    Do not fight
4.    Work and live harmoniously

If you break the law, your employment could be terminated.

Force to Leave Singapore ? What to do ?

Your employer cannot force you to go home without resolving any outstanding employment claims, such as your salary payment and your medical expenses. If they do so, please seek help from airport immigration officers.

Employment contract can be end earlier, as long as your employer given notice before the period and paying your salary in place of notice.

If you have problems with your employment, you should report it immediately to the MOM.